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UGACWP's Published Works Library

Rahad Abir
Author Website
Bengal Hound: A Novel (Gaudy Boy, 2023)


Daniel Barnum
Author Website
Home is Where You Queer Your Heart (Anthology) (Foglifter Press, 2021)
Best New Poets 2020: 50 Poems from Emerging Writers (Anthology) (Samovar Press, 2020)
Names for Animals (Seven Kitchens Press, 2020)


Bradley Bazzle
Author Website
Fathers of Cambodian Time-Travel Science (C&R Press, 2020)
Trash Mountain (Red Hen Press, 2018)


Amy Bonnaffons
Author Website
The Regrets (Little, Brown and Company, 2020)
The Wrong Heaven (Little, Brown and Company, 2018)


Andy Nicole Bowers
Vulturine (Factory Hollow Press, 2019)


Lily Brown
The Haptic Cold (Ugly Duckling Press, 2018)
Rust or Go Missing (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2011)


Heather Cousins
Something in the Potato Room (Kore Press, 2009)


Claire Cronin
Author Website
Blue Light of the Screen: On Horror, Ghosts, and God (Repeater Press, 2020)


Paul E. Cunningham
Author Website
Fall Garment (Schism Neuronics, 2022)
The House of the Tree (Schism Press2, 2020)
The Inmost (Carrion Bloom Books, 2020)
Words (OOMPH! Press, 2019)


E.G. Cunningham
Author Website
Ex Domestica (C&R Press, 2017)
Apologetics (Finishing Line Press, 2016)


Johnny Damm
Author Website
Failure Biographies (Operating System, 2021)


Jaydn Dewald
Author Website
Then Darkness: Sketches (Broken Sleep Books 2024)
The Rosebud Variations (Broken Sleep Books, 2021)
Sheets of Sound (Broken Sleep Books, 2020


Michael Tod Edgerton
Author Website
Vitreous Hide (Lavender Ink, 2013)


Connor Fisher
Author Website
Speculative Geography (Greying Ghost Press, 2020)
The Hinge (Epigraph Magazine, 2018)


Michael Ford
Olympia Street (Trembling Pillow Press, 2008)
Carbon (Small Press Distribution, 2006)


Andy Frazee
Author Website
The Body, The Rooms (Subito Press, 2011)
That The World Should Never Again Be Destroyed By Flood (New American Press, 2010)


Shamala Gallagher
Late Morning When the World Burns (The Cultural Society, 2019)


Lara Glenum
Author Website
All Hopped Up On Fleshy Dumdums (Spork Press, 2013)
Pop Corpse (Action Books, 2013)
Gurlesque: The New Grrly Grotesque Burlesque Poetics (Saturnalia Books, 2010)
Maximum Gaga (Action Books, 2009)
The Hounds of No (Action Books, 2005)


Priyadarshini Gogoi
Jokhu and the Big Scare (Tulika Books, 2022)
Koni Juj: The Egg Fight (Pratham Books, 2022)
Have You Ever Climbed a Tree? (Prantham Books, 2021)
When We Are Home (Prantham Books, 2021)
Junuka and the Rice Rakshasas (Prantham Books, 2020)
When I Grow Up (Prantham Books, 2020)


Johannes Göransson
Author Website
The New Quarantine (Inside the Castle, 2023)
Summer (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2022)
Poetry Against All (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2020)
Transgressive Circulation: Essays on Translation (Noemi Press, 2018)
Poems of Kim Yideum, Kim Haengsook, & Kim Min Jeong (Vegabond Press, 2017)
Cheer Up Femme Fatale (Action Books, 2016)
The Sugar Book (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2015)
Haute Surveillance (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2013)
entrance to a colonial pageant in which we all begin to intricate  (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011)
Pilot (Fairy Tale Review Press, 2008)
Dear Ra (Starcherone Books, 2008)
A New Quarantine Will Take My Place (Apostrope Books, 2007)


Lindsey Harding
Author Website
 Pilgrims 2.0 (Acre Books, 2023)


Ginger Ko
Author Website
Power On (Operating System, 2022)
How Glossy the Plastic (Garden-Door Press, 2019)
Inherit (Sidebrow Books, 2017)
Ghosts, Models, Visions (Bloof Books, 2017)
Motherlover (Bloof Books, 2015)


Marni Ludwig
Pinwheel (New Issues Poetry and Prose, 2013)


Sabrina Orah Mark
Author Website
Happily (Penguin Random House, 2023)
Wild Milk (Dorothy, a publishing project, 2018)
Tsim Tsum (Saturnalia Books, 2009)
The Babies (Saturnalia Books, 2004)


Mike McClelland
Author Website
Gay Zoo Day: Tales of Seeking and Discovery (Beautiful Dreamer Press, 2017)


Jeff Newberry
Author Website
 A Stairway to the Sea (Pulpwood Press, 2015)
The Gulf Stream | Poems of the Gulf Coast (Snake Nation Press, 2013)
Brackish (Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press, 2012)


Matthew Nye
Author Website
Pike and Bloom (&NOW Books/Lake Forest College Press, 2016)


Danielle Pafunda
Author Website
Spite (Operating System, 2020)
Beshrew (Dusie Books, 2019)
The Book of Scab (Ricochet, 2018)
The Dead Girls Speak in Unison (Bloof Books, 2014)
Natural History Rape Museum (Bloof Books, 2013)
Manhater (Dusie Books, 2012)
Iatrogenic: Their Testimonies (Noemi Press, 2010)
My Zorba (Bloof Books, 2008)


Emma Catherine Perry
Author Website
 Blocks World (Great Place Books, 2023)


Thibault Raoult
 Person Hour (2011)
<<Pro(m)bois(e)>> (Opo Books & Objects, 2016)


Dan Rosenberg
Author Website
Bassinet (Carnegie Mellon University Press Poetry Series, 2022)
Hippodrome (Zephyr Press, 2016) *as translator
Cadabra (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2015)
Thigh's Hollow (Omnidawn, 2015)
The Crushing Organ (Dream Horse Press, 2012)


Jake Seyersak
Author Website
Mantic Compost (Trembling Pillow Press, 2022)
Agadir (Diálogos Press 2020)
I, Caustic (Litmus Press, 2022)
Yield Architecture (Burnside Review Books, 2018)


Laura Solomon


The Hermit (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2011)
 Blue and Red Things 2007 (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2007)


Heidi Lynn Staples
Author Website
A**A*A*A*A (Ahsahta, 2018)
Noise Event (Ahsahta, 2012)
Take Care Fake Bear Torque Cake (Caketrain, 2012)
Dog Girl (Ahsahta 2007)
Guess Can Gallop (Western Michigan University, 2004)


Ida Stewart
Author Website
Gloss (Perugia Press, 2011)


Donna Stonecipher
The Ruins of Nostalgia (Wesleyan University Press, 2023)
Transaction Histories (University of Iowa Press, 2018)
Prose Poetry and the City (Parlor Press, 2018)
Model City (Shearsman Books, 2015)
Ascent (Black Square Editions, 2012)
The Cosmopolitan (Coffee House Press, 2008)
Souvenir de Constantinople (Instance Press, 2007)
The Reservoir: Poems (University of Georgia Press, 2002)


Jacob Sunderlin
Author Website
This We in the Back of the House (Saturnalia Books, 2022)


Gale Marie Thompson
Author Website
Mountain Amnesia (Colorado Prize for Poetry, 2023)
 Helen or My Hunger (YesYes Books, 2020)
Soldier On (Tupelo Press, 2015)


Lindsay Tigue
Author Website
System of Ghosts (University Of Iowa Press, 2016)
Even Deadlier: A Sequel to the 7 Deadly Sins Sampler editor (The Great Books Foundation, 2009)


Hannah V Warren
Author Website
 Slaughterhouse for Old Wives' Tales (Sundress Publications, 2024)
Southern Gothic Corpse Machine (Carrion Bloom Books, 2022) 
[re]construction of the necromancer (Sundress Publications, 2020)

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